•  GenUP™ Exo SAP Kit

GenUP™ Exo SAP Kit

  • Biotechrabbit
  • BR0701801
  • In Stock
  • 1 862,00Kč

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mražené na suchém ledu (dry ice)                   890 Kč bez DPH na zásilky v celkové ceně do 45 000 Kč bez DPH, nad tuto hodnotu je dopravné a balné zdarma


  • Fast 15 min PCR cleanup without the need for spin columns
  • 100% recovery — no loss of PCR product
  • Simple process — just add Exonuclease 1 and Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase to PCR mix
  • Easy scalability and automation


  • PCR cleanup prior to sequencing or genotyping
  • Removal of nucleotides and primers from PCR reaction

biotechrabbit™ GenUP Exo SAP Kit is designed for quickly and easily cleaning up PCR amplification reactions, enabling their direct use in sequencing or genotyping.

The kit provides a combination of Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) and Exonuclease 1 (ExoI) for removing nucleotides and primers. Double-stranded DNA is not affected, ensuring 100% recovery of PCR products.

Both enzymes are active in PCR buffers and completely inactivated by heating at 80°C: no further processing is required. Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase dephosphorylates nucleotides and primers, and the 3' → 5' exonuclease activity of Exonuclease 1 degrades single-stranded primers.

Product manual

Catalog #SizePackage Content
BR0701801100 reactions200 µl ExoI-SAP

BR0701802500 reactions1 ml ExoI-SAP

BR07018032000 reactions4 kits BR0701802 GenUP™ Exo SAP Kit (500 rxn each)